
 Tue, 04. Jul 2023   NCS

Best Paper Award @ ACM MMSys 2023

Michael Rudolph received for his paper entitled "RABBIT: Live Transcoding of V-PCC Point Cloud Streams" the best paper award at the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) 2023. 

Background: A major challenge of V-PCC is the high encoding latency, which results in fallback solutions that exchange the compression ratio for faster point cloud codecs. In this paper, we show that given one high quality media representation we can achieve live transcoding of video-based compressed point clouds to serve heterogeneous user quality requirements in real time.

Paper Reference: Michael Rudolph, Stefan Schneegass, Amr Rizk: RABBIT: Live Transcoding of V-PCC Point Cloud Streams. MMSys 2023: 97-107