NCS: Aktuelle Meldungen Aktuelle Meldungen für: Networks and Communication Systems Group, Universität Duisburg-Essen de NCS: Aktuelle Meldungen Aktuelle Meldungen für: Networks and Communication Systems Group, Universität Duisburg-Essen TYPO3 - get.content.right Tue, 02 Jul 2024 09:03:06 +0200 Best Paper Award @ IEEE QCNC 2024 Karim Elsayed received for his paper entitled "On the Trade-off between Fidelity and Latency for the Quantum Link Layer with few Memories and Entanglement Purification" the best paper award at the International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC)... Karim Elsayed received for his paper entitled "On the Trade-off between Fidelity and Latency for the Quantum Link Layer with few Memories and Entanglement Purification" the best paper award at the International Conference on Quantum Communications, Networking, and Computing (QCNC) 2024.

Background: Quantum entanglement is the key to quantum communications over considerable distances. The first step for entanglement distribution among quantum communication nodes is to generate link-level Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) pairs between adjacent communication nodes. EPR pairs may be continuously generated and stored in a few quantum memories to be ready for utilization by quantum applications. A major challenge is that qubits suffer from unavoidable noise due to their interaction with the environment, which is called decoherence. This decoherence results in the known exponential decay model of the fidelity of the qubits with time, thus, limiting the lifetime of a qubit in a quantum memory and the performance of quantum applications. In this paper, we evaluate the fidelity of the stored EPR pairs under two opposite dynamical and probabilistic phenomena, first, the aforementioned decoherence and second purification, i.e. an operation to improve the fidelity of an EPR pair at the expense of sacrificing another EPR pair. Instead of applying the purification as soon as two EPR pairs are generated, we introduce a Purification scheme Beyond the Generation time (PBG) of two EPR pairs. We analytically show the probability distribution of the fidelity of stored link-level EPR pairs in a system with two quantum memories at each node allowing a maximum of two stored EPR pairs. In addition, we apply a PBG scheme that purifies the two stored EPR pairs upon the generation of an additional one. We finally provide numerical evaluations of the analytical approach and show the fidelity-rate trade-off of the considered purification scheme.

Paper Reference: Karim Elsayed, Wasiur R. KhudaBukhsh, Amr Rizk: On the Fidelity Distribution of Link-level Entanglements under Purification. QCNC 2024

News Studium & Lehre Forschung Wirtschaft und Praxis IBES ICB WIWI Organisation Praktikumsangebote Stellenangebote Tue, 02 Jul 2024 09:03:06 +0200
Best Paper Award @ ACM MMSys 2023 Michael Rudolph received for his paper entitled "RABBIT: Live Transcoding of V-PCC Point Cloud Streams" the best paper award at the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) 2023. Background: A major challenge of V-PCC is the high encoding latency, which results in fallback solutions that... Michael Rudolph received for his paper entitled "RABBIT: Live Transcoding of V-PCC Point Cloud Streams" the best paper award at the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) 2023. 

Background: A major challenge of V-PCC is the high encoding latency, which results in fallback solutions that exchange the compression ratio for faster point cloud codecs. In this paper, we show that given one high quality media representation we can achieve live transcoding of video-based compressed point clouds to serve heterogeneous user quality requirements in real time.

Paper Reference: Michael Rudolph, Stefan Schneegass, Amr Rizk: RABBIT: Live Transcoding of V-PCC Point Cloud Streams. MMSys 2023: 97-107

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 15:43:00 +0200
FlexShield Kickoff: BSI-funded Research Project started Starting from June 2023 a new research project is running at the NCS group. The BSI-funded research project FlexShield focuses on the intersection of resilience and cybersecurity in communications for real-time industrial applications, particularly for teleoperation. The approach of this project is... Starting from June 2023 a new research project is running at the NCS group. The BSI-funded research project FlexShield focuses on the intersection of resilience and cybersecurity in communications for real-time industrial applications, particularly for teleoperation. The approach of this project is based on a combination of intelligently controlled resilience in a 5G wireless ORAN network section in combination with a wired Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) section to ensure service continuity, laberaging hardware-based security mechanisms.  FlexShieldd's findings extend beyond logistics, with applicability in diverse industrial sectors, signifying the transformative potential of teleoperation.

Tue, 04 Jul 2023 15:43:00 +0200